Stinsora Consulting

Implementing an ERP system is a high-risk, high-reward endeavor. While success unlocks major performance gains, failure leads to wasted budgets and disruption. Unfortunately, industry research suggests up to 70% of ERP projects fail to achieve goals.

How can you beat the odds and make your ERP initiative a success story rather than a cautionary tale? Follow these proven strategies:

1. Adopt a Balanced Mindset

Rather than solely focusing on avoiding failure, also prioritize goals to actively create success. Mitigating risks is crucial, but you also need “offense” by pursuing benefits. Set bold objectives beyond just avoiding catastrophe.

2. Invest Heavily in Change Management

Without effective change management, organizations struggle to adopt new processes and technologies. Develop comprehensive strategies for communication, sponsorship, training and more. This is the #1 predictor of implementation success.

3. Make It Business-Driven, Not Technology-Driven

Let business goals and desired future-state processes dictate software choices. Don’t simply automate current processes. Leadership alignment and organizational change become much easier with a business-first approach.

4. Implement a QA Framework

Continuously identify risks and verify all aspects, from contracting to security to benefits realization. Use independent QA to spot issues that internal teams or vendors may overlook or downplay.

5. Take Ownership

Recognize that ERP success depends on your team’s leadership. Set the vision and remain actively engaged. Don’t simply take the easiest path, find the best solution and ensure your team is working towards that goal.

Avoiding the pitfalls that derail other ERP projects requires diligent focus on these proven success factors throughout your implementation journey. With the right strategy and mindset, your organization can realize huge benefits from a new ERP system.

Contact our team today to see if we are a good fit for your implementation. Whether you are in the planning stage, mid implementation or already using your system we can help get your business to its desired state.

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Contact us at the Consulting WP office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

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